EdChoice, in partnership with Hanover Research, conducted a survey of homeschooling families in 2021. Their results are summarized in the Homeschooling Captsone Report. The most salient obstacles to homeschooling cited by current homeschoolers in the survey include concerns about instructional quality and children’s future prospects, the time and financial burden of homeschooling, and difficulty accessing resources and support
One of their questions was, “how problematic have the following obstacles to homeschooling your child been?” There are fourteen items listed as responses. Here’s what I noticed.
Most Homeschoolers Aren’t Worried About What Other People Think
According to their report, 71% of homeschooling families consider “concerns about what people will think” as “not problematic or only slightly problematic.”
Most Homeschoolers Don’t Have Resistance From Their Spouse
Though some families may have only one parent that feels comfortable with homeschooling, 50% of survey respondents said they have no resistance from their spouse. Both parents want to homeschool.
Most Homeschoolers are Confident in Their Abilities
41% not problematic or only slightly problematic lack of knowledge about homeschooling
47% not problematic or only slightly problematic concerns about my ability to provide instruction
65% not problematic or only slightly problematic related to child’s disability-related needs
Finding curricula
31% not a problem
21% slightly problematic
lack of time 35% very problematic or extremely problematic
Elsewhere in the report, “The homeschooling market survey finds that 26 percent of homeschooling parents report difficulty managing homeschooling and other responsibilities a moderate amount or a great deal.” 
Most Homeschoolers Find Homeschooling Affordable
51% not problematic or only slightly problematic financial burden
59% not problematic or only slightly problematic lack of resources
Many Homeschoolers Easily Find Groups to Connect With
47% not problematic or only slightly problematic trouble connecting to others who homeschool 28% very problematic or extremely problematic
52% not problematic or only slightly problematic trouble finding curricula 27% very problematic or extremely problematic
Most Homeschoolers Have Cooperation from Their Child
56% not problematic or only slightly problematic resistance from child
Many Homeschoolers Feel Good About Future Prospects
42% not problematic or only slightly problematic Concerns about my child’s future prospects 
Does this Match Your Experience?
When I review this list from the survey results, I don’t think it is similar to what I am experiencing. Do you also find that your “obstacles” are different than those on this list? Do you find yourself unconcerned about what other people think? Are you feeling supported by your spouse? Are you confident in your abilities to homeschool? Has homeschooling been affordable? Do you find groups you enjoy connecting with? Do you have cooperation from your child? Do you feel good about the way your homeschooling will affect your child’s future? Please share with me!